Day 2 - How do I see comments?

 No really, I can’t work out how to see comments on my blogs… 

Well, I’m sure to find out later. I mean, at least I can actually blog here. 

Not a lot to say since yesterday, but I have exercised well today. 8am, off I went to post a letter -10 minutes walk. 9am, went to pick up prescription meds for hubby - another 10 minutes. 3:15, I had my dental appointment- 30 minutes walk in blazing sun! Good news - teeth all ok, must be a nerve thing so have painkillers and a mouthwash prescribed; lovely dentist, although I struggled to understand as she spoke so fast even though my French is pretty good now. 4:00, back to the pharmacy for me this time and to pick up some dressings they were out of this morning - another 10 minutes. Oh, and I almost forgot. I did some weeding before lunch - 30 minutes in blazing sun and managed to knock off the first courgette(zucchini) flower. Never mind, there will be plenty more and there are cucumber flowers coming too. 

I think that makes 90 minutes exercise for today, enough already! Just about 10k steps already today.

Spoke to my daughter three times on FaceTime today too, what a great bonus!

Just a couple of pics from the front garden today!


  1. Beautiful day and beautiful photos!
    I'd like to know if one can subscribe to the blogs?

    1. I don’t know know, but I’d like to…

    2. I have been able to subscribe to your blogs by adding your blogspot address to my Reading List! Hope you are able to work this out too, not managed to create a blog page yet but worked out how to follow you, ha ha! Technology, learning! Donna x

    3. Alright! Thank you. Will give it a try, Donna.

  2. Normally you have to go into Edit mode on the blog and add the Follow widget, but they actually announced a couple of months ago that they're doing away with it.

  3. These are the most amazing photos Renia, love them, super blog

  4. What beautiful flowers! You sound busy! I have a sit down job so I do not move enough.

  5. Great to find you here too.


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