First blog as SparkPeople has rejected us!

 Ok, so here goes…

I have been blogging on SparkPeople on and off for over 14 years, but now it gets serious… (only joking). When I can, I like to get my thoughts etc., down where I can thrash it all out, much of it to do with weight loss or lack of it.

Currently, apart from feeling severely let down by SP, weight loss life is actually going well. I have yet to find a replacement site I like, but the actual weight loss is happening. As of this morning, I am a pound heavier than my original starting weight at WW at the tender age of 24, before my first wedding. I haven’t been this weight in probably over 20 years, so that’s a great place to be currently and it certainly Spurs me on to keep going. Like many of us, I hit plateaux on a frequent basis, but I do know one thing for sure,

PERSISTENCE PAYS OFF and I am here for the long run. 

Being 60 now, WOW! that seems like a big number, I wish to continue on this earth in better shape that allows me to do what the heck ever I wish to, for many years to come. I have the tools and wherewithal to get there, so here I am…

Loving life in the south of France, why wouldn’t I!?

One of my favourite views, just outside in the back garden….on a hot summer’s day.


  1. Fantastic to see you here! I just came over from SP to and although I haven't blogged, I love reading your blogs.

  2. Continue to blog.

    Sidenote - my nephew and his family are currently living in France.

    Harrowjet on Spark

  3. This is Karen, Libelulita. This looks like a great place to do blogs. hope to be checking out that view myself one day!

  4. Glad to see you found a comfortable place to blog!

  5. wonderful that you're here! I LOVE that pool. Gorgeous!

  6. Found you! I've landed over here too

  7. Yay yay ya!! Found you here -- what a beautiful place you live in!! We'll keep right on supporting each other with our healthy living!! May I just mention what a *small* number 60 seems to be to me??

    1. Glad you found me. I like how easy it is to blog here…

  8. Oh, I'm so happy for Spark bloggers to finally find a cool place to keep doing so. Woohoo! I'm too mourning the closing of SparkP
    Congratulations on being at your target weight, bravo!
    What a beautiful photo of your place.

  9. Glad to find you here. bookmarking you now!

  10. Thank you very much for your comment on my Happiness in my Spark blog, I am really happy to read your blogspot here and know that I will be able to follow your adventures 'forever', glad you have coloured rather than grey hair, don't think I'll want that coloured hair for a while! Love and hugs Donna xxx

    1. Hi Donna. Asks for finding me. I do hope I don’t disappoint…

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Many Sparkers have found a refuge over here.
    A bit of an effort to find each other but that will get easier over time

  13. It is nice to find familiar Sparkers. I look forward to reading your posts. Good luck.
    Speded2 (Jeanne)

  14. Congrats! You're in a fantastic place. And I'll miss SparkPeople since I've been using the site and apps for so long. But, it's been quite a journey downloading my blogs and photos and charts this past week. Crazy the ups and downs.

  15. I am also from spark. Thank you for your blog! The pool looks wonderful!

  16. I’m late to the party but so glad to come here. Well done on the weight loss! Wishing this Covid would pack it’s bags so I can pack mine and head to my brother’s place in your part of the world.


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