Back to it after a week or so of ‘I’ve had enough!’ and some socialising

 All this business of finding a new place to track and blog due to SparkPeople closing soon had more of an effect on me than I realised. I didn’t give up, but I found myself avoiding all of the sites as I discovered that there wasn’t a single one that I liked more than another. We had a few social occasions, the first of which seemed to load TEN POUNDS onto me overnight, and I swear that I really didn’t massively overindulge, however I probably didn’t drink enough water and due to the heat, the exercise was seriously lacking! I also made a cake for that one, as it was a friend’s 62nd birthday and he always likes my cakes. I had just a small piece, but the sugar in it probably didn’t help my cause lol.

So, after that ‘slip-up’, five pounds vanished back off in the space of two days. Since then I am still carrying the extra five, but have also had two events involving wine, bread and fries, so actually, I’m not too unhappy, as I have been drinking more water, so those pounds will soon disappear, as we have no further ‘events’ for a week and the next one will be hosting friends at home, so the damage control will be easier.

Anyway, Saturday finds me happier and ready to progress. I know 33 pounds won’t Amish overnight, but neither did they appear overnight. I have been far more mobile today, clearing the pool cover, clearing algae and pine detritus from the pool and eating better to suit…
Some great news recently too - I received confirmation of my Polish citizenship, which means I am still an EU European and as such entitled to live in France where we have moved to. We also received our five year residence cards, so life is good!


  1. I'm playing catch-up here!

    Great news about your citizenship. Good to have all the legalisms sorted.

    I had you on my reading list, but your new entry made it pop up in today's list. Did you figure out how to find your comments? Mine come to me in my Gmail, pointing back to the blog, which if I click "Read More" and scroll UP from where it automatically places me, that's where they are!

  2. That's wonderful news about your citizenship! Congratulations.

    That birthday cake looks delicious! I am pretty sure I would have wanted to try a sliver, too.

    Good luck and keep drinking the water!


  3. The equation shows a lot more weight on the happy side. Those lbs. will go as you grow accustomed to all the changes we're adjusting to, moving back into an in-persono world.

  4. So nice to have found you here. Congratulations on your citizenship. The cake is lovely and I am sure tasty, as well. As for the pounds, I did the very same thing in a matter of days, just having bread when I usually don't. We will get it together and all is well. I am drinking more water today. :)


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