
Showing posts from June, 2021

Day 2 - How do I see comments?

 No really, I can’t work out how to see comments on my blogs…  Well, I’m sure to find out later. I mean, at least I can actually blog here.  Not a lot to say since yesterday, but I have exercised well today. 8am, off I went to post a letter -10 minutes walk. 9am, went to pick up prescription meds for hubby - another 10 minutes. 3:15, I had my dental appointment- 30 minutes walk in blazing sun! Good news - teeth all ok, must be a nerve thing so have painkillers and a mouthwash prescribed; lovely dentist, although I struggled to understand as she spoke so fast even though my French is pretty good now. 4:00, back to the pharmacy for me this time and to pick up some dressings they were out of this morning - another 10 minutes. Oh, and I almost forgot. I did some weeding before lunch - 30 minutes in blazing sun and managed to knock off the first courgette(zucchini) flower. Never mind, there will be plenty more and there are cucumber flowers coming too.  I think that makes 90 minutes exercis

First blog as SparkPeople has rejected us!

 Ok, so here goes… I have been blogging on SparkPeople on and off for over 14 years, but now it gets serious… (only joking). When I can, I like to get my thoughts etc., down where I can thrash it all out, much of it to do with weight loss or lack of it. Currently, apart from feeling severely let down by SP, weight loss life is actually going well. I have yet to find a replacement site I like, but the actual weight loss is happening. As of this morning, I am a pound heavier than my original starting weight at WW at the tender age of 24, before my first wedding. I haven’t been this weight in probably over 20 years, so that’s a great place to be currently and it certainly Spurs me on to keep going. Like many of us, I hit plateaux on a frequent basis, but I do know one thing for sure, PERSISTENCE PAYS OFF and I am here for the long run.  Being 60 now, WOW! that seems like a big number, I wish to continue on this earth in better shape that allows me to do what the heck ever I wish to, for m